James asked me what was going to happen when the Carrillos leave, "Will the church keep that going" he points across the street. "They need to, there are a lot of folks get helped over there" he goes on to say.... "I even get my haircuts there, Anay cuts hair for some of us" he tells me. James is proud of his latest haircut and the new baseball cap that Randy gave him. Randy visited with them yesterday, "He spent an hour here on the porch" James tells. We trimmed a limb off his peach tree and while we were doing that he told me I should get with that old boy that owns the place and see what can be worked out. "That's a good place" he says... We have a prayer and I leave.
Later visiting with the Carrillos a lady knocks on the door and comes in, she is looking for food. We talked a while she tells me how this helps her a lot, she only has her SS check and won't get it until next week. Another lady got food this morning, Enrique and Anay loaned her some money, they says she will pay it back Saturday, they need it to go to Juarez. It's time to get the kids from school when another lady knocks on the door, she gets food, doesn't stay long, but before she leaves she tells me about her granddaughter wanting to be baptized. When she leaves, Anay reminded of baptisms, tells of the group of ladies, there are 4 plus Anay that study in our church, she tells me that one of the ladies had asked about new birth...Enrique talked to her about that. Anay's stovetop is full of food, they had not eaten dinner, seems like a neighbor came over and invited them to eat with her, they studied the Bible a little bit then prayed for her and her home.
There were two people last night that came and gathered from the garden, the okra is really doing good though the beans never made a crop. Tomatoes are abundant, picked as soon as ripe by people stopping by. Lots of peppers too.
Eva scored a run in softball last night, her first time to play. Enrique and Anay want to use sport in Mapa to draw children and people to the church, they think girls softball would be good. They are planning to kick off their church in Mapa with a Christmas event. They talk about including Ramon and Clementine, old friends who moved to Monterrey when the work ran out in Juarez. Ramon is a good worker, maybe he can find work in Mapa. They will visit on the way to Mapa. It was a good day. .