Friday, January 1, 2010

An early morning phone call from Enrique and Anay what a great start to the New Year! It has been lonely at this house since they left. Enrique and Anay will be moving into their new home in 4 days, Anay tells that it’s very nice having 3 bedrooms, a kitchen, dining area and a living room. They are searching or furniture and things needed for the house. They were not able to bring very much of that with them, so it’s a start over deal there. Come the 15th, if all goes as planned they will have satellite phone and an internet connection. That should open up our world to them again. They are all having a bit of difficulty adjusting to the food. Anay says everything is so fresh, being tree picked and eaten, even her chicken is freshly butchered, yet they have difficulties. Expect some of this may also be associated to the water. This will pass soon as they become adjusted to it. In the mean time the kids asked if we would send them pizza and hamburgers. The kids will start back to school on Monday. Spirits are high, laughter and love abound in the background as we talked. They love and miss us all..

Friday, December 25, 2009

Matt, Rachel, Troy and Jeremiah have moved in at the Trails End. Matt tells of learning of a needy young girl in Lawn. Seems Christmas nearly missed her this year. Had it not been for Matt and Rachel and some generous men who just happened along with some money they had gathered this young ladies Christmas would not have been happy.

Merry Christmas to All...

Friday, December 18, 2009

A few weeks ago I went into a business on South Treadaway. Ricky, the man behind the counter said, “I have wanting to talk to you, tell me about the Trails End.” Seems folks in Lawn were talking about it and knew of our involvement. What a blessing it was to be able to share the journey God is taking us on. It occurred to me in telling our story how initially we had thoughts and ideas of how this would look, how it would run and what the outcome of it would be. How with our plan in mind, hours of operation posted through out Buffalo Gap, we sat down on the porch and waited for customers. By the end of the third week disillusioned and still waiting for the first person we were ready for plan B--except we didn‘t have a plan B. What we had was Anay’s health restored and the Carrillo’s to share the next six months with us was a much needed place to live. Could they help us establish the Trails End while we partner with them in seeking a new place for their church was the big question. To tell the truth, we were skeptical at best. But here is what we handed the Carrillos---The Trails End had no master plan, it was not to be a church ministry, it was to simply be people helping people. Then how the community sees the Carrillo’s pouring out their hearts into this it became contagious---many give who can’t afford to give---We see over and over the widow’s mite being offered---Not just money, but giving of self for the sake of others---It is infectious this offering for the sake of others--The hungry come to be fed, while others who hunger spiritually come to be fed--God turns this upside down; having started with us ministering to people in Mexico, now people from Mexico are ministering to us. Today we are on a new beginning seeking God’s will as we go forth. Praise be to God.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Sad today

Today the Carrillo family left on the long journey to Mapastepec, Mexico. The Trails End will be in a period of transistion. Please join me in praying God's will as we seek to serve others in and through this place.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Church in Buffalo Gap felt empty this morning. The left front pew had only 2 people where often 8 are seated. Enrique, Anay, Eva, Juliet, Elaine and Kiki were gone this weekend worshipping at the Church in Three Rivers. It didn't feel right for us..

Our loss will bring blessings to the people of Mapastepec. I know that, but I am selfish... I want them to remain forever a part of who we are in Buffalo Gap. Oh yes, you are right they will always be that.....but words like that do not make December 7th any easier.

Plan to come worship next Sunday, December the 6th. Enrique will preach his final sermon before leaving the following morning. Enrique's sermon is titled "La Exelencia Hace la Diferencia" the text is from Matthew 11:28-30.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sunday the 6th of December Enrique will preach at the Buffalo Gap Church of Christ. Certainly, this will be a special day in the life of the church family. In worship there will be set aside time to bless and affirm Enrique and Anay as they go forth in the Mission of God. Continuing in worship people will join in fellowship around tables of food sharing their lives with the Carrillo family one last time before they leave on their journey to Mapastepec. Please plan to attend this special day.The Carrillos will leave Buffalo Gap early on the morning of December the 7th. They will spend a short period of time in the El Paso / Juarez area dealing with last minute issues of travel and permits. Pray a safe journey.Many have come to know Enrique and Anay as servants of God and know they are looking forward to serving Him in Mapastepec and building His Church there. On the other hand they leave behind a very long list of friends that have come to love and adore them. The relationship the Carrillos have established through The Trails End community has been simply amazing. They allow the Spirit of God to use them to bring happiness to others---they have modeled Christ like servanthood to all of South Taylor County. The children love their school, their teachers, the involvement they have, be that as students, cheerleaders or softball players, or attending pep rallies. Eva is on the Honor Roll at Buffalo Gap Elementary, July, Elaine and Kiki amaze their teachers. The children's teachers tell of the difference they make in the classroom, the example they set. Pray a blessed Mission MapaWe will all very much miss our dear friends, the Carrillo family.