Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Church in Buffalo Gap felt empty this morning. The left front pew had only 2 people where often 8 are seated. Enrique, Anay, Eva, Juliet, Elaine and Kiki were gone this weekend worshipping at the Church in Three Rivers. It didn't feel right for us..

Our loss will bring blessings to the people of Mapastepec. I know that, but I am selfish... I want them to remain forever a part of who we are in Buffalo Gap. Oh yes, you are right they will always be that.....but words like that do not make December 7th any easier.

Plan to come worship next Sunday, December the 6th. Enrique will preach his final sermon before leaving the following morning. Enrique's sermon is titled "La Exelencia Hace la Diferencia" the text is from Matthew 11:28-30.

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