Friday, July 3, 2009

Sorry for the lack of news, I have been in Mexico. I traveled along with a group from the Southern Hills Church that was conducting a medical mission in Los Llanos. Sunday, we worshipped in an emerging church with about 100 people who are meeting in an old cafe in Lazaro Cardenas. It is mostly younger families with children, there are very few, if any, members over 50. It was good to spend time with people who have a vision that includes planting and building churches along the southwest coastline from Chiapas to Guerrero. My primary purpose for this trip was to see if this might be a place that our friends Enrique and Anay Carrillo might fit in. I came home at 2:30 last Sunday morning; the Carrillos arrived from Juarez about 3 hours later. We worshipped Sunday morning in Buffalo Gap. So, this has been a busy week, the Carrillos are getting settled in at the Trails End. They are planning to devote half of the living room area for Spanish Bible classes. They will also be helping us to distribute food from the Zuniga Garden and the Trails End. There are several ministry opportunities developing in Mexico and it is often difficult to remove ones self and allow God to lead you, please help the Carrillos by praying for the ministry God has for them. They have visas that allow them to stay in the USA until December. They would love for you to drop by and visit.

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