Thursday, July 30, 2009

What can I get you for your birthday? What can I buy you for Christmas? I have heard those questions many times coming from Phyllis’ mouth. My answer most often to her is simply that I don’t need anything and while I appreciate her thoughtfulness I tell her please don’t buy me a gift. Maybe the other side of it is that anything I need I most often just go and buy. Are there any of the rest of you that feels that way? So, here is what I am time I am asked that question, my answer will be that I want a gift of food to be given to the Trails End Food Pantry. Join with me in re-considering the gifts we get, and how they stack up against what we give. Our Trails End food ministry needs your help right now. A lotAdd Image of food has been given to folks in need and your gifts make a difference.

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