Sunday, August 30, 2009

The City of Buffalo Gap has a need that we could help them overcome. Perhaps you want to serve and have the ability to organize a group of about 8 people.

It's a simple task actually, here is what you do.

• You adopt the two-mile stretch of highway that starts just north of Buffalo Gap on 89 and continues to the tracks just south of town. Adoption would be for a minimum of two years.

• You agree to pick up litter four times per year. That's only 8 times over 2 years..

• Adopt-a-Highway signs will be posted with the group’s name at your adopted section.

• Adopt-a-Highway will provide volunteers with safety vests, litterbags and safety training.

• You bask in the glory of claiming a piece of Texas pride.

• It's a free, easy way for your group to help our community.

• Beauty is the reward. There is a real need, a lot of thrash right now that needs to be picked up.

Ready to sign up? Let me know and I will make sure everything gets rolling..

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