Sunday, August 16, 2009

Many of you know Enrique and Anay were in Juarez this past week for a follow-on visit with Anay's doctors. The good news is that there is not any cancer evident in her system, and her neurological functions were OK. For this we are thankful. On the other hand, while the exterior of her surgery site healed satisfactorily, internally she is not healing well, this includes the area where her colon was rejoined. She was given three new medications, and advised an even stricter diet to be followed. She is to have no sugars or artificial sweeteners, and her diet is to include fish and chicken, raw vegetables and fruit exceptions! Her doctor also advised that it is imperative she get more rest. Enrique and Anay do a wonderful job of caring for people thru the Trails End food pantry. Let us continue to keep this family in our prayers.

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