Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Need your help

33 days from today Enrique and Anay will leave the Trails End on a long journey to Mapastepec, Mexico. There they will begin a new ministry; no doubt it will bear a few of the trademarks of the Trails End. We pray God’s hand to guide them on their journey as they seek to build His Church there. So what happens to the Trails End? It is hard to imagine that place without Enrique and Anay. They are loving, caring people, but most of all they are the kind of people that quickly become the friend that lives in your heart forever. So, one of the major hurdles is finding someone that can fill really big shoes. The second concern is funding, food and space represent money and as we all know money is not always easy to come by. Over the past 30 days 22 families have been helped with gifts of food. It is an interesting group made up from these 22 families. They come not only from Buffalo Gap, but Lawn, Tuscola and the surrounding communities. Some live in places that have no running water, no utilities, and no income. Many find the Trails End an extremely welcome place. Would you join with us in prayer that God would show us the way.

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