Friday, December 25, 2009

Matt, Rachel, Troy and Jeremiah have moved in at the Trails End. Matt tells of learning of a needy young girl in Lawn. Seems Christmas nearly missed her this year. Had it not been for Matt and Rachel and some generous men who just happened along with some money they had gathered this young ladies Christmas would not have been happy.

Merry Christmas to All...

Friday, December 18, 2009

A few weeks ago I went into a business on South Treadaway. Ricky, the man behind the counter said, “I have wanting to talk to you, tell me about the Trails End.” Seems folks in Lawn were talking about it and knew of our involvement. What a blessing it was to be able to share the journey God is taking us on. It occurred to me in telling our story how initially we had thoughts and ideas of how this would look, how it would run and what the outcome of it would be. How with our plan in mind, hours of operation posted through out Buffalo Gap, we sat down on the porch and waited for customers. By the end of the third week disillusioned and still waiting for the first person we were ready for plan B--except we didn‘t have a plan B. What we had was Anay’s health restored and the Carrillo’s to share the next six months with us was a much needed place to live. Could they help us establish the Trails End while we partner with them in seeking a new place for their church was the big question. To tell the truth, we were skeptical at best. But here is what we handed the Carrillos---The Trails End had no master plan, it was not to be a church ministry, it was to simply be people helping people. Then how the community sees the Carrillo’s pouring out their hearts into this it became contagious---many give who can’t afford to give---We see over and over the widow’s mite being offered---Not just money, but giving of self for the sake of others---It is infectious this offering for the sake of others--The hungry come to be fed, while others who hunger spiritually come to be fed--God turns this upside down; having started with us ministering to people in Mexico, now people from Mexico are ministering to us. Today we are on a new beginning seeking God’s will as we go forth. Praise be to God.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Sad today

Today the Carrillo family left on the long journey to Mapastepec, Mexico. The Trails End will be in a period of transistion. Please join me in praying God's will as we seek to serve others in and through this place.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Church in Buffalo Gap felt empty this morning. The left front pew had only 2 people where often 8 are seated. Enrique, Anay, Eva, Juliet, Elaine and Kiki were gone this weekend worshipping at the Church in Three Rivers. It didn't feel right for us..

Our loss will bring blessings to the people of Mapastepec. I know that, but I am selfish... I want them to remain forever a part of who we are in Buffalo Gap. Oh yes, you are right they will always be that.....but words like that do not make December 7th any easier.

Plan to come worship next Sunday, December the 6th. Enrique will preach his final sermon before leaving the following morning. Enrique's sermon is titled "La Exelencia Hace la Diferencia" the text is from Matthew 11:28-30.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sunday the 6th of December Enrique will preach at the Buffalo Gap Church of Christ. Certainly, this will be a special day in the life of the church family. In worship there will be set aside time to bless and affirm Enrique and Anay as they go forth in the Mission of God. Continuing in worship people will join in fellowship around tables of food sharing their lives with the Carrillo family one last time before they leave on their journey to Mapastepec. Please plan to attend this special day.The Carrillos will leave Buffalo Gap early on the morning of December the 7th. They will spend a short period of time in the El Paso / Juarez area dealing with last minute issues of travel and permits. Pray a safe journey.Many have come to know Enrique and Anay as servants of God and know they are looking forward to serving Him in Mapastepec and building His Church there. On the other hand they leave behind a very long list of friends that have come to love and adore them. The relationship the Carrillos have established through The Trails End community has been simply amazing. They allow the Spirit of God to use them to bring happiness to others---they have modeled Christ like servanthood to all of South Taylor County. The children love their school, their teachers, the involvement they have, be that as students, cheerleaders or softball players, or attending pep rallies. Eva is on the Honor Roll at Buffalo Gap Elementary, July, Elaine and Kiki amaze their teachers. The children's teachers tell of the difference they make in the classroom, the example they set. Pray a blessed Mission MapaWe will all very much miss our dear friends, the Carrillo family.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

So the Carrillos are gone by this time next month. I don’t know how we go forth from here, but where God has taken us is good. There are so many things going on that have originated from the ministry of the Trails End, it would be wrong to not somehow carry it on. After services I visited a family that lives in Lawn. They came invited by the Carrillos. After church Enrique and Anay invited them to dinner. Thursday, Grace a lady from Tuscola and her husband brought several large boxes of food to the Trails End. I know Grace only through the Internet. Some weeks ago she sent an email saying how touched she was to read the unfolding story of the Trails End. Standing at the lectern today at the call to worship I felt I was in the wrong place, all the strange faces that were there. How we go forth I don’t have a good sense for and perhaps it looks entirely different. But, somehow we need to capture an understanding of where we are, and work out how we carry on. There is one thing I am convinced of and that is this is not all about having a "Food Pantry" that someone runs, it is much more than that.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Enrique and Anay ask what will happen to the Trails End when they leave? It is hard to imagine that place without Enrique and Anay. We know them as loving, caring people, but most of all they are the kind of people that to the stranger quickly become the friend that lives in their heart. Over the past 30 days 22 families have been helped with gifts of food. It is an interesting group these 22 families. They come not only from Buffalo Gap, but Abilene, Lawn, Tuscola and the surrounding communities. Three families live in places that have no running water, no utilities, and no income. Some are elderly while others just find the Trails End a welcome place a place to learn of the love of God.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Need your help

33 days from today Enrique and Anay will leave the Trails End on a long journey to Mapastepec, Mexico. There they will begin a new ministry; no doubt it will bear a few of the trademarks of the Trails End. We pray God’s hand to guide them on their journey as they seek to build His Church there. So what happens to the Trails End? It is hard to imagine that place without Enrique and Anay. They are loving, caring people, but most of all they are the kind of people that quickly become the friend that lives in your heart forever. So, one of the major hurdles is finding someone that can fill really big shoes. The second concern is funding, food and space represent money and as we all know money is not always easy to come by. Over the past 30 days 22 families have been helped with gifts of food. It is an interesting group made up from these 22 families. They come not only from Buffalo Gap, but Lawn, Tuscola and the surrounding communities. Some live in places that have no running water, no utilities, and no income. Many find the Trails End an extremely welcome place. Would you join with us in prayer that God would show us the way.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Back for a while

The Carrillos are back in Buffalo Gap
God is good! All of the prayers lifted to Him on behalf of Anay and her health related matters have been answered. The cancer is gone; Anay is cured. While tired from two weeks of doctor’s visits and getting the truck through customs and licensed to travel to Mapastepec there is a heightened excitement in Anay’s voice as she speaks of the days ahead. We are blessed to have the Carrillos partnering with us in the mission of God. Praise be to God

Friday, October 9, 2009

News from Juarez

Anay tells of visiting her cancer doctor this morning and being told there is no cancer in her system. The cancer is gone! Yesterday, we learned her colon has healed properly, you will remember on the last visit there were concerns it was not healing properly. We still need the MRI results and they will come Monday. Enrique and Anay are staying at the Palomino Motel, near the hospital. Early this week two people were gunned down across the street from the hospital. They told of their seeing a group of men grab a young women 17-18 years of age. She repeatedly screamed "My name is Christina" as they slammed the door and sped off. I can't get that thought out of my mind, pray for Christina and those that miss her today. I didn't know until now that Enrique spent last night in the hospital. He had a pre-cancerous place on his neck cut out. He is back with the family and doing well. Of course this means Anay spent last night alone with the two little ones. If all goes well finalizing the truck through customs and getting it registered in Mexico they hope to return Tuesday evening. Enrique has run into and through a mile of red tape getting that done, and it may not be over yet. Pray good results on Monday and their safe and speedy return to the Trails End in Buffalo Gap.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

James asked me what was going to happen when the Carrillos leave, "Will the church keep that going" he points across the street. "They need to, there are a lot of folks get helped over there" he goes on to say.... "I even get my haircuts there, Anay cuts hair for some of us" he tells me. James is proud of his latest haircut and the new baseball cap that Randy gave him. Randy visited with them yesterday, "He spent an hour here on the porch" James tells. We trimmed a limb off his peach tree and while we were doing that he told me I should get with that old boy that owns the place and see what can be worked out. "That's a good place" he says... We have a prayer and I leave.

Later visiting with the Carrillos a lady knocks on the door and comes in, she is looking for food. We talked a while she tells me how this helps her a lot, she only has her SS check and won't get it until next week. Another lady got food this morning, Enrique and Anay loaned her some money, they says she will pay it back Saturday, they need it to go to Juarez. It's time to get the kids from school when another lady knocks on the door, she gets food, doesn't stay long, but before she leaves she tells me about her granddaughter wanting to be baptized. When she leaves, Anay reminded of baptisms, tells of the group of ladies, there are 4 plus Anay that study in our church, she tells me that one of the ladies had asked about new birth...Enrique talked to her about that. Anay's stovetop is full of food, they had not eaten dinner, seems like a neighbor came over and invited them to eat with her, they studied the Bible a little bit then prayed for her and her home.
There were two people last night that came and gathered from the garden, the okra is really doing good though the beans never made a crop. Tomatoes are abundant, picked as soon as ripe by people stopping by. Lots of peppers too.

Eva scored a run in softball last night, her first time to play. Enrique and Anay want to use sport in Mapa to draw children and people to the church, they think girls softball would be good. They are planning to kick off their church in Mapa with a Christmas event. They talk about including Ramon and Clementine, old friends who moved to Monterrey when the work ran out in Juarez. Ramon is a good worker, maybe he can find work in Mapa. They will visit on the way to Mapa. It was a good day. .

Friday, September 4, 2009

Wednesday evening we began a 100-day prayer vigil for the Carrillo Family. Not later than December 10th they must return to Mexico. There is so much to be done between now and then. Enrique and Anay plan to move to the village of Mapastepec in the state of Chiapas just a stones throw from the border of Guatemala. This is a poor community in the poorest state in Mexico with a great need for the richness of Christ that the Carrillos will bring these people. Pray for the means to continue our journey with Enrique and Anay.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The City of Buffalo Gap has a need that we could help them overcome. Perhaps you want to serve and have the ability to organize a group of about 8 people.

It's a simple task actually, here is what you do.

• You adopt the two-mile stretch of highway that starts just north of Buffalo Gap on 89 and continues to the tracks just south of town. Adoption would be for a minimum of two years.

• You agree to pick up litter four times per year. That's only 8 times over 2 years..

• Adopt-a-Highway signs will be posted with the group’s name at your adopted section.

• Adopt-a-Highway will provide volunteers with safety vests, litterbags and safety training.

• You bask in the glory of claiming a piece of Texas pride.

• It's a free, easy way for your group to help our community.

• Beauty is the reward. There is a real need, a lot of thrash right now that needs to be picked up.

Ready to sign up? Let me know and I will make sure everything gets rolling..

Saturday, August 29, 2009

~~~~Thank you Buffalo Gap ~~~~
Thursday we met with the business folks of Buffalo Gap. We talked about the Trails End and giving away food. Not often enough that folks want to hear about what is going on here, so we really appreciated an opportunity to tell the Trails End story. Best of all the Business Folks of Buffalo Gap presented us with a good-sized donation. Enrique and Anay will be going grocery shopping to fill the empty shelves in our pantry. Thank You Buffalo Gap!!

Been a lot of folks by this past week to harvest in the garden. Seems like word of all the okra and tomatoes got out. So, if you have not been by come on! Enrique has helped a few seniors to harvest that is folks that find getting around in the garden to be a bit difficult. And it is difficult to get around in there, so ask Enrique for help if you need it. He loves to serve folks, just part of his nature.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Many of you know Enrique and Anay were in Juarez this past week for a follow-on visit with Anay's doctors. The good news is that there is not any cancer evident in her system, and her neurological functions were OK. For this we are thankful. On the other hand, while the exterior of her surgery site healed satisfactorily, internally she is not healing well, this includes the area where her colon was rejoined. She was given three new medications, and advised an even stricter diet to be followed. She is to have no sugars or artificial sweeteners, and her diet is to include fish and chicken, raw vegetables and fruit exceptions! Her doctor also advised that it is imperative she get more rest. Enrique and Anay do a wonderful job of caring for people thru the Trails End food pantry. Let us continue to keep this family in our prayers.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Kay, our friend in the rock house across the street is home again. A couple weeks ago she went into the hospital. James and Kay often across the street to help us at the Trails End. Next time you are in the Gap looks across the street from the Trails End, likely as not they will be sitting on the porch waving to folks that pass by. If you need food for physical hunger the Trails End can help, if your heart needs to be fed stop by and visit with James and Kay.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

What can I get you for your birthday? What can I buy you for Christmas? I have heard those questions many times coming from Phyllis’ mouth. My answer most often to her is simply that I don’t need anything and while I appreciate her thoughtfulness I tell her please don’t buy me a gift. Maybe the other side of it is that anything I need I most often just go and buy. Are there any of the rest of you that feels that way? So, here is what I am time I am asked that question, my answer will be that I want a gift of food to be given to the Trails End Food Pantry. Join with me in re-considering the gifts we get, and how they stack up against what we give. Our Trails End food ministry needs your help right now. A lotAdd Image of food has been given to folks in need and your gifts make a difference.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Enrique works for the Lord and the Lord is helping Enrique with the Zuniga Garden. The recents rains He sent have helped the garden along. Enrique spends a lot of time there, he uses 7 Dust to keep the worms at bay. There is a lot of Okra that is doing very well. Anay is not an okra eater like many of us. The corn crop failed to make this year, there were too many hot days without watering the garden before Enrique took over. There have been a few folks gather from the garden, if you have not been by yet make it a point next time you are near the Trails End...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Trails End served 7 families in need this week. We need your help in keeping the pantry stocked.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Today has not been a good day for James and Kay. Shortly after noon Kay was transported to Hendrick ER after having back to back Gran Mal seizures. James said this was by far the worst she has had. I left James a few minutes ago, he is still at the ER. Were told a couple hours ago they were preparing paperwork to transport her to the Betty Hardwick Center here in Abilene. Kay is heavily sedated and has been resting well. James is OK, there is much ahead that he faces and knowing all that is difficult for him. His faith is strong. He tells me,"Jesus is with me, he will always be there for me." A pause, then he adds, "For Kay too."

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Yesterday, James and Kay take food to a family that live near Dyess. There is no food or money to buy food in this home. James and Kay spend time visiting with this couple. Last night they get a call, the man is very appreciative and thanks James once again. He tells James he has no money to repay him, but would give James a coyote pup if he wanted one. James tells his new friend he doesn't need a coyote pup..

Monday, July 13, 2009

Enrique and Anay tell of a young family in Buffalo Gap with small children. It is a story of losing a job, scraping by doing odd jobs when ever possible. The gift of food from the Trails End is most appreciated. Friday evening Enrique and Anay go to Wal-Mart to buy milk and fresh chicken to take to their home, there they spent time sharing life.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

We have a new ranch hand at the Trails End. Ever since Kiki rode into town he has been itching to learn about being a ranch hand. James is showing Kiki that today’s cowboys do more than ride horses and brand little doggies, sometimes they cut and put up hay to the winter. Trails End garden and grounds look great thanks to Kiki, James and Enrique.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Sorry for the lack of news, I have been in Mexico. I traveled along with a group from the Southern Hills Church that was conducting a medical mission in Los Llanos. Sunday, we worshipped in an emerging church with about 100 people who are meeting in an old cafe in Lazaro Cardenas. It is mostly younger families with children, there are very few, if any, members over 50. It was good to spend time with people who have a vision that includes planting and building churches along the southwest coastline from Chiapas to Guerrero. My primary purpose for this trip was to see if this might be a place that our friends Enrique and Anay Carrillo might fit in. I came home at 2:30 last Sunday morning; the Carrillos arrived from Juarez about 3 hours later. We worshipped Sunday morning in Buffalo Gap. So, this has been a busy week, the Carrillos are getting settled in at the Trails End. They are planning to devote half of the living room area for Spanish Bible classes. They will also be helping us to distribute food from the Zuniga Garden and the Trails End. There are several ministry opportunities developing in Mexico and it is often difficult to remove ones self and allow God to lead you, please help the Carrillos by praying for the ministry God has for them. They have visas that allow them to stay in the USA until December. They would love for you to drop by and visit.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wednesday evening Don, James and Kay came to help at the Trails End. It felt good to give away bags of groceries. The Trails End has been blessed by many that are willing to give. We have a good variety of food items that allows us to accommodate different desires. Sam Cochran is working with Lawrence Brothers Independent Grocery Association (IGA) to secure large scale donations. When these donations arrive we will be able to help a lot of people. Please help us spread the word, if you or anyone you know needs a helping hand tell them about the Trails End.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


If you or anyone you know needs a helping hand be it food or other needs stop by between the hours of 6:00 and 8:00 P.M. Wednesday evenings.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Blanche Zuniga and the Zuniga family were a special part of today’s dedication ceremony at the Trails End. The sign tells the story.

Today was a good day in Buffalo Gap. Our annual Hootenanny had people coming from far and wide to enjoy good music, great food and a big helping of plain old fashioned fun. Our food baskets overflowed with donations for those in our communities who have need. If you have an interest in what is happening at the Trails End, we would love to share the journey with you. Come by the Trails End any Wednesday evening between the hours of 6:00 P.M. and 8:00 P.M.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009


The rain yesterday and the sunshine today made a big difference. The corn and beans stand proudly in rows. Of course there are some weeds that are also poking through, it will soon be time to to get out the hoes..

Friday, May 15, 2009

You can almost hear Stephen's thoughts, they seem to be saying there is a story emerging here. A story no doubt worth telling. But, what kind of story might come out of an old gas station and a garden?
There is life emerging in the garden.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

This week the interior of Trails End had a face-lift. It is pretty cool watching what sandpaper, elbow grease, a broom and vacuum cleaner can do about getting a place ready to paint. But things really started making dramatic changes when Jackie wheels the spray rig out and gives it a fresh coat of paint. In this picture Jackie is making good use of shelving unit donated by Bill and Julie. Can’t wait to see the time when our shelves are filled and ready to feed folks. Thanks Jackie, Bill and Julie.

Johnny the cutting torch guru is making short order of the old pipe barricades that kept us from having use of the drive through feature of the old gas station. With the old pipe railings out of the way the Trails End Chevron is only lacking the pumps. Thanks Johnny

Monday, May 11, 2009

There is something good that comes out of words like preparing, planting, nurturing and harvesting. It is amazing the transformation that is taking place at Trails End. James and Kay will be overseeing the day to day nurturing of the garden. The Trails End is blessed in having good neighbors. The list of work to be done is in the Friends Place has some empty spots, find a task that fits you and invite a friend to join you in work at the Trails End. Remember May 23 is our Spring Hootenanny. This year as always there is no charge, however we are asking folks to bring a contribution of canned good for the Trails End food ministry. Food, fun and festivities will begin at noon. We have invited Blanche Zuniga, Mike’s son Mike Zuniga and Bobby Broyles to spend the day with us. We plan to set aside time to erect a sign and dedicate the Zuniga Garden at Trails End as a part of the festivities. Jody has taken on the role of promoting our Hootenanny. She will be making and distributing informational flyers and coordinating the use of city hall community signboard.

Wayne, Anthony and Chelsea are spreading mulch around the freshly planted garden.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Today was good. It was planting day at the Trails End. The Zuniga Garden is complete.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Mark Saturday May 23rd as a Super Special day in Buffalo Gap...It is Hootenanny Saturday and we are anticipating the biggest and best ever. We will also use this day as a special time to dedicate the Trails End to our friends in the community. Carl is busy lining up our bluegrass music teams, while Sam is lining up the event. In the past we did not charge a fee, this time is a little bit different. Not a fee, exactly, but we are asking that people bring canned goods like tuna, salmon, chicken (packed in water) fruit and vegetable juices (100% any size) canned beans (red, black, navy, kidney) canned vegetables (all kinds) peanut butter (plastic containers) canned fruits (all kinds). There is much to be done and Sam needs your help. Please give Sam a call and let him know you are ready to go to work.

We desperately need a person to get the word out, something on the order of Hootenanny Public Relations Officer. Basically this means taking flyers to the post office, the store, city hall and making arrangements to have an announcement posted on the city big event board. Sound like you? Let Sam or I know if that fits you.
Saturday we will be a big day at the Zuniga Garden. Starting about 9:00 in the morning we will gather to plant the garden. Joe has several things in mind and is bring seeds and plants. I expect a few gardening tools, like hoes, rakes, shovels and such will be needed. One special thing we need is mulch and we need a lot of it. About 4 pickup loads, maybe more. If you can sometime during this week go by the city recycle center on Oak, I think it is in the 2600 block, for $4.00 dollars they will fill your pickup. It needs to be unloaded next to the garden, not on the tilled soil, we will move it there after planting.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Remember our Hootenannies? They are a fun day for everyone, right? Well, it is May and time to have fun. There are a lot of details yet to be worked out. Sam Cochran is heading up our Hootenanny group and I know he would love to know if you would help him in putting this together..

There remains quite a bit of work to be done at Trails End. Rather than do another work day we have a list of jobs in the Friends Room that need to be done. Look it over and find the task or tasks that fits you best and sign up to accomplish that task whenever the time best suits you. Maybe you pair up with someone on a bigger job, or take your time and do it over the course of a few days. This may be a good opportunity to invite a friend from our community to join you in work at the Trails End.

In April because of your generosity, we were able to help a young mother, who is battling cancer. Her story is one of many trials and tribulations, a marriage that is going bad, unable to work, bills to pays, and uncertainty for not only her future but also her ten-year-old son. Around the Edges is a principal drawn from instructions given to Israel (Leviticus 23:22). Our Eldership knows there are always those who "come our way" who have special needs. We believe that when these "strangers" happen by, we should pay attention. Each month we set aside "Around the Edges" moneys for the poor and alien, for those who suffer catastrophic loss and for those who grieve. Your giving blessed a needy young mother last month.